Happy Arbor Day
The following is a manuscript from student Xiao Zhengquan with Class 2, Grade 7 of Anqing Foreign Language School.
‘It is great fun taking part in the tree planting activity!’ I expressed my heartfelt feelings right after the Arbor Day. It was 12th March, the Tree-Planting Day. Along with teachers and students from Anqing Foreign Language School, I attended the tree planting activities organized by the Forestry Bureau in Anqing City.
In spite of the tiredness, I still felt that the task today was of great significance. It seemed nothing mattered when your body was covered with mud and your wet hair was blown by the wind. However, are you fully aware of the benefits of planting trees?
Evidently, forest planting can not only beautify our homeland, but also plays a significant role in enlarging forest resources, preventing water loss and soil erosion, protecting farmland, adjusting climate, purifying air in addition to accelerating economic development, which makes it a grand engineering project to bring benefits to both the contemporary and our posterity!
Therefore, so as to defend and develop forest resources, beautify the environment as well as keep the ecological balance, each and every one of us should contribute our share to do our little bit and help our motherland’s afforestation construction. As students from Anqing Foreign Language School, we are supposed to exert ourselves to protect the environment and the forestry to give the blue sky to our common future!
Overall, through this informative event, we understand that only by cherishing the environment, protecting the nature and living in harmony with nature, can we benefit other people as well as ourselves and guarantee the benefit of future generations in the meantime!





